Initial Disclosure Document
Important Information about our Insurance Service
This page gives you a broad view of the main terms of business for the insurance service that we provide. We will send you a written Important Information document detailing specific terms for your type of insurance along with your quotation confirmation, if you have requested one, and in all cases with your inception documents.
The Financial Conduct Authority is the independent watchdog that regulates financial services. It requires us to give you this information. Use this information to decide if our services are right for you.
Caravanwise Limited is a Specialist Insurance Intermediary. We currently offer an insurance scheme for caravans, including touring caravans (incorporating folding campers/trailer tents), static caravans, park homes and motorhomes. The static caravan insurance policy is bundled with a legal protection policy specifically tailored to the needs of static caravan owners. We also offer legal protection for motorhomes and a breakdown policy for motorhomes. In each case we only offer one policy from one insurer.
- For touring caravan insurance, including folding campers/trailer tents, we act for one insurer, Highway Insurance Company Limited
- For static caravan insurance we act for one insurer, Highway Insurance Company Limited. For static caravan legal protection we act for one provider ARAG plc.
- For Park Home insurance we act for one insurer, Highway Insurance Company Limited
- For motorhome insurance we act for one insurer, Highway Insurance Company Limited
- For motor legal protection insurance we act for one provider ARAG Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited.
- For motorhome breakdown cover we act for ARAG Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited.
In each case the insurer remunerates Caravanwise Limited by way of commission on sales.
We will tell you the main details of cover and any significant exclusions and leave the final decision to yourself. All sales are non-advised. A full printed specimen copy of the policy, that you are considering applying for, is available on request. A full Important Information document detailing specific terms for your type of insurance will be sent to you with your quote confirmation. Caravanwise Limited acts as agent for the insurance company that you are insured with.
A summary of cover is also enclosed with your quotation confirmation.
Cover is provided on the basis of the information you have provided and you are solely responsible for ensuring that the sums insured are adequate. Your contract with us is subject to the law of England and Wales. Cover is subject to the completion of a satisfactory proposal form and prompt supply of the supporting documents requested, or in the case of products that are incepted on the basis of statement of fact your confirmation that the facts are correct and complete. We will not issue insurance documents where the full premium has not been paid unless Direct Debit arrangements are made, or where a satisfactory proposal form has not been received if one is required, including all of the required supporting documents. When we receive your premium we will hold it in a trust account as an agent of the insurance company.
Direct debit Payments
If you apply to pay in instalments by Direct Debit this will be arranged by means of a consumer credit agreement with Premfina Limited. Caravanwise is authorised as a Credit Broker. Premfina will pay us commission which we use to defray some of our costs of administration.
Administration Charges
Where a change in your circumstances, mid-term adjustment, or your loss of documents, including cheques, which you advise us of, requires us to undertake administrative work, we will charge a fee for this. The maximum fee that we will charge is £15 for any one amendment or £30 at cancellation. This is in addition to any additional premium or administration charges made by the insurer. We make an administration charge of £15 at inception and £15 at the renewal of your policy this is paid by you and is non-refundable.
We and your insurers endeavour to provide you with a high level of service at all times. If you wish to make a complaint regarding your policy, or the insurer, you will need to follow the procedures detailed in your policy booklet, a copy of which is available from ourselves at any time. If you have a complaint regarding any aspect of the service provided by Caravanwise please contact the Manager with full details at Caravanwise at our Christchurch address, or telephone 01425 280078. If you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9SR. Telephone: 0800 023 4567
We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if we cannot meet our obligations. This depends on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim. Insurance advising and arranging is covered for 90% of the claim, without any upper limit. Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available from the FSCS.
Caravanwise Limited Registered office: 100 Ringwood Road, Walkford, Christchurch BH23 5RF Registered in England and Wales number 3560388 Caravanwise Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our FCA Register number is 304081. You can check this on the FCA's Register by visiting the FCA's web site or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768.
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01425 280078
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